Here are some of our product features available on Sales Genie

Sales Genie goes beyond its applications for your teams, proving to be a versatile solution across various industries. Beyond sales functions, it seamlessly integrates into your business processes, facilitating the efficient management of team activities, maintenance and repairs visit logs, and complaints. With Sales Genie, you gain a comprehensive tool-set that extends to follow-up reminders, ensuring you stay proactive and on top of your team’s performance, particularly in service-oriented sectors.

How do we manage Prospects and Clients in Sales Genie.

Here are some screen shot features of our Staff Management Solution

Manager / Admin Dashboard

Create a Prospect or Client

User visit lists

Users Visits Report

Client details and activities (Additional Contacts, Visits, Complaints, Products)

Visits linked to a Prospect or Client

Complaints linked to a Prospect or Client

Products Purchased linked to a Prospect or Client

Complaint categories (Admin Configurable)

Complaint Categories (Manager / Admin Configurable)

Follow-up Types (Admin Configurable

Follow-up Types (Manager / Admin Configurable)

Visit Questions (Admin Configurable)

Visit Questions for your Team (Manager / Admin Configurable)

Attachment Library (Admin Configurable)

Attachment Library (Manager / Admin Configurable)

Create a Follow-up for a Prospect or Client

Create a Complaint for a Prospect or Client